Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2012 And the end of this age

Many people are afraid of what may be happening in the end of 2012. Mayan prophesies as well as callee prophets have added to this hype. The bible says in the last days many false prophets would arise, that if it where possible to deceive the very elect. Any true believer is not AFRAID. Any person that does not know Jesus as their Lord and savior should be. There is a way out RECEIVE Jesus as Lord. Regarding 2012 no one knows when the end will come only the Father. Many false prophets have come into the world, polar shifts, solar flares, return of planet x and impacting earth ( wormwood,nirubu) massive earthquakes, climate changes, wars, famine, pestilences these are all signs that He is turning soon. Any child with the capacity to read knows that most of these things are mentioned in the bible. False prophets make money off this hype. The job of a prophet is to build God's people up and warn the wicked of the coming judgement and everything they say occurs. People read God's word and be of good courage lift up your heads high for IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT HAPPENS Jesus is coming for His people

1 comment:

  1. Sinners prayer
    Father I come to you and ask that you forgive me for my sins I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I know He shed his blood for me on the cross and died for my sins. He resurrected on the third day and is at your right hand. Come into my heart Lord and take control. I renounce every work of darkness and receive your free gift of eternal life
